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Dr. Mohamed Elmofty

Professor of Periodontology - Ain Shams University - Vice Dean @ Nahda University
While dental implants are generally considered a safe and effective tooth replacement option, like any medical procedure, there can be potential complications. It's important to be aware of these complications and discuss them with your dentist or oral surgeon before undergoing implant surgery. Here are some possible complications associated with dental implants: 1. Infection: Infection can occur at the implant site, leading to inflammation, pain, and potential implant failure. Proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups can help prevent infections. 2. Implant Failure: In some cases, dental implants may fail to integrate with the surrounding bone or may become loose over time. This can be due to factors such as poor bone quality, inadequate healing, or excessive forces on the implant. Your dentist will evaluate your oral health and bone density to determine if you are a suitable candidate for implants. 3. Nerve Damage: During implant surgery, there is a small risk of nerve damage, which can result in numbness, tingling, or altered sensation in the lips, tongue, or chin. This complication is rare but can occur, especially if the implant is being placed in the lower jaw near the nerve pathways. 4. Sinus Problems: Dental implants placed in the upper jaw can sometimes protrude into the sinus cavity, causing sinus issues or infections. This is more likely to occur if there is insufficient bone height in the posterior upper jaw. Proper evaluation and treatment planning can help minimize this risk. 5. Gum Recession: In some cases, the gum tissue around the implant may recede, exposing the implant surface. This can lead to aesthetic concerns and potential complications if left untreated. Good oral hygiene practices and regular dental visits can help prevent gum recession. It's important to note that these complications are relatively rare, and most dental implant procedures are successful. Your dentist or oral surgeon will thoroughly evaluate your oral health, discuss potential risks, and provide appropriate guidance to minimize the chances of complications.
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